...and the foot steps that I leave behind

Sunday, January 2

buku yang penuh ragam.

One of my 2011 hope is that the internet would stop behaving like the word next to siput so that I can really make use of it. In a good way. In a real good way since it has poor reputation already. It caused students, like me to leave all my books with 3 inch dusts on the shelves while I was busy with another magically fascinating book. A book that I really could stand staring, watching, gazing and flip through one whole day; Facebook. Thus, before reactivating my Facebook, I decided to give myself some ground rules, not to tarnish the word 'book' in its name.

seriously.. it wouldn't be a pain in the butt if no weird stuff happened.
Facebook brilliantly gives these 3 options for several type of people. 
1. People who annoyed us: Hide.
2. People who are really harassing us: Block.
3. Facebook, however no longer has the option to 'remove friend'...

Just some of the things that we sometimes failed to remember.
Its not solely a NO, just that, there's limit in everything. Don't over-do..
...because, it has been changed to the word 'unfriend'. Oh FB, nice choice of word!

**it is just my point of view and made for myself so.., peace.