...and the foot steps that I leave behind

Saturday, May 21


mother nature;
question number one: why must it be, 'mother-nature'? (what about father?grandfather?and the neighbours?)
question number two: what kind of question is that?


anyway, thanks to Madam again,
we managed to see the other part of Mount Edgecombe today.
Arrrr..russaaa i like!
and mesmerizing alam, flora esp.. and the lovely view while picnicking ^_^
Thank you Allah swt for these gifts. Aborrowed gift, meant to be treated with care and  love. Hopefully we will be able to do it well..

Talking about the nature, couldn't help but to think of the Hulu Langat recent landslide.
Saw some of the pictures of the incident posted on few blogs.
Ya Allah..

... hanya mamu mendoakan mereka di sana

Sunday, May 8

air tangan

I watched this video again..
then I remembered my own childhood memory.
Hurm, prior knowledge is understood better in L1 so, lets start it with my L1.

Masa kecik-kecik dulu, kalau Maa buat cekodok pisang tuh, mesti kene buat yang saiz kecik-kecik gile. sangat kecik. Kalau tak kecik, kami tak nak makan. Makan kat luar, isi kene buang. Kami panggil cekodok tu, 'jemput tahi kambing' (mind the word, sorry)
Memang kecik macam bende itu pun.
Kesian Maa, mesti leceh habis nak goreng kecik-kecik macam tu. Dahlah tu, kene buat 2 versi lagi. Yang kecik untuk kami tiga beradik yang last ni, yang saiz normal untuk anak2 yang dah agak, kononnya dewasa la mase tuh.
kami tak suka yang besar-besar tu, tak best.
Kalau makan karipap pun, makan pap tu je, yang kari (inti kat dalam) tu kene buang.
Menyusahkan dan melecehkan kerja seorang ibu adalah hobi dikala zaman riang.

Errrm..sebenarnyer, ia masih lagi satu kegiatan harian dikala berusia melepasi 2 dekad ini.....
Di satu hari yang tenang; telefon Maa dihubungi dan soalan kegemaran itu terkeluarlah jugak;
"Ma, ma masak apa hari ni?" Dengan laju, Maa menjawab, "Masak ikan tiga rasa je". Dengan lebih laju lagi, anak menjawab, "Waaa...bestnya, malam tadi baru je mimpi makan ikan masak tu...sedapnyeee"
(dan Ma terasa bersalah, terus tukar topik)
Di hari lain yang separa tenang, soalan sama diulang; "Maa masak ape hari ni?"
Belajar dari pengalaman, Maa menjawab; "Masak lebih kurang je. Ikan singgang je" (kononnyer itu dah masakan paling plain abad inilah..) Malangnya, anaknya yang memanglah masalah mental sikit ini terus berkata; "Sedapnyer..... lama dah tak makan ikan..."
(dan Maa terasa bersalah lagi sekali)
Di hari yang lain, anak yang mungkin tak berape reti bahasa ini bertanye lagi, "Maa masak ape hari ni?" Maa yang dah terlalu belajar dari dulu-dulu, menjawab lambat-lambat, "Tak masak pun. Pergi kenduri je". Respond si anak yang memanglah saje je cari pasal; " Ooooo..kenduri. Bestnye, sape yang kawin? Lame dah tak pergi kenduri..Kat kenduri tu ada kerabu tak?Sayur nangka? Ke masak ayam merah je?" (dan Maa dah kering idea, melayan anak yang sangatlah banyak songehnyer..)
Kadang-kadang kan Maa, i know, you asked adik-adik to lie, "Kalau tanya pasal makan ape, jawab je makan benda-benda biase". Kadang-kadang, yang adik pun satu penyakit, boleh plak bagi jawapan yang super tak logik; "Hari ni Maa tak masak, tak makan apa pun". (gilerr tak boleh blah!!)

Maa, sebenarnya bukan sebab lauk tu sangat sedap ke atau ikan kat sini tak segar ke atau kat sini tak ada orang yang nak buat kenduri. Tapi sebab itu masakan, air tangan ibu. Ibu anak 7 lagi. Itu aje. Yang buat anak Maa terliur megalahkan orang mengandung  anak sulung.

Cakaplah makan telur goreng kosong ke cicah biskut dengan teh ke, semua tu tak boleh dilawan oleh mane-mane Burger King atau Queen atau President sekalipun. Nawros punya briyani pun tak setaraf briyani Maa. (arrr...terliur lagiiiii)
Apapun masakan, walau kat mane pun, lain rasenye bila perkataan 'ibu' tu ada. Kan Maa jugak yang cakap, kalau buat paung (err..tak tahu bahasa melayu standard dier ape) tuh, tak de ibu tak naik adunan tuh. Haa...see, how much I learnt from that?

My housemates selalu cakap, "Cakap pasal Malaysia ni boleh jadi gila. Asyik nak balik je..."
Memang pun. Nak-nak lagi bila time macam ni, dahlah otak buntu macam batu, kesihatan lagi tak menentu. Macam mana kami tak nak rindu....huwaaaaa


Ini semua salah Matlutfi, buat video pasal cekodok.
Now. i'm off task from that ridiculously difficult assignment, again.
Assignment tu lagi satu hal.
Mike, if only your assignment is to write '4000 words about your mum', I could write that 4000 and even more.. without any quotation lagi.
Kalaulah kan...

30 degree celcius, and why on earth I'm wearing my sweater?
1888 words, and why I'm still blogging and ignoring that microsoft-word stuff.
11.52 am and why do I feel sleepy.

Maa, selamat hari ibu.
I love you.

Saturday, May 7

Look who's raining!

'coz you are like my angel, an angel made in Heaven'

lagu ini untuk Maa....
so sorry that our conversation suddenly stopped.
Hey Mr 02, how could you stop a daughter from pampering her mother (either way.. :P )just like that? =_=!
I was just about to sing you this song...believe me my version would sound more ke-daughter-an and comelan (what a waste) ^_^
To Maa, not only today, but any other day, as long as the sun is still up in the sky (though at the moment you must be looking at the moon instead)
my love for you would never fade Maa.. in fact, the day when we nor longer could see the sun or the moon, I want to still be able to love you..coz i
loveeeeeee you so the very much!

misss you...

Thursday, May 5


its rare.
definitely rare.
What a rare day.
It started long before that,
But that word, in my only class of the day.
Rarely rare, the word that I got for the game is ‘rare’.
If my life is a piece of a literature work that students have to study for their exam,
they shall call this part a ‘foreshadow’.
a quick one,
they will bump into this word again after a few more pages of the literature work.
and that was where the art piece stuck.
that was where i stuck.
5th of May.
what a rare date, itself.

Sunday, May 1

Inspiring Tulips....

and this is where my friends and I spent the third week of our spring break..
from the views, people, foods, and everything... Istanbul has to be the best place I have visited so far..
Too many things to say about it...
Too much love and peace there..

The calm Blue Mosque,that you just can't get enough of it..
Magnificence Dolmabahce Palace; golden pillars, crystal chandelier and everything! A price that could even buy another country.
Historical Tokapi Palace , from the Prophet's and his companions swords to all the Sultans of Uthamaniyah kingdom .... a great wonder
Even buying an ice-cream could be very nostalgic here!

And funniest moment goes to a pak cik, merajuk when I was bargaining for a handmade craft. It was very upsetting for me at that moment, but now it is a real funny one to remember. Oh pak cik.
Yeah, they have this style, sometimes.. hehee..
Oh yeah, something absolutely bizarre and NEW to me, i look like a Bangladeshi! Ok, I have heard enough of me being regarded/recognized as someone from other Asian countries (even Japan? gilerrr) before but, this one, seriously, I'm surprise!!!

But for a real, deep real serious of seriousness, seriously, I'm seriously really want to visit this place again.

and penambahan;

focus: tulips..notice how they live?
whatever colours or shape they are of.
and that was exactly what I'm about to say...
its kinda super weird and awkward and annoying and memalukan when a very very very outside people talk, and question it.
Serai, dear serai...

Lihat tulipsss itu,
hidup serumpun kan indah?