...and the foot steps that I leave behind

Tuesday, March 27

time to read yourself

there a saying... that was said by someone,
the saying goes like this;

"you are what you read"


so, few weeks ago, as i was packing my stuff to be shipped to Malaysia..:))), i suddenly recalled this 'saying'.. why? because half of my shipping box was filled with books. my collection of books, that i read, will read, have the intention to read, and etc..
and the list of the books are, vampire romance (a lot of this) triller (some), murder-detective, ghostly horror (several), mystery-solving-hints (few), children bedtime story (two), and some English -teacher-to-be-references.
so who am i then?
a mysterious vampire who is madly in love and studying to be an English teacher but at the same time work as a part time private detective.

OH!!! Nehiiii...

let's change the book shelf.

there's nothing wrong with what we read..but perhaps we should have a look at "how often/many" factor too.

and most importantly,
dont forget to read the one and only guidance,
satu huruf sepuluh pahala tau!!!

Thursday, March 22

dont stop,

Bersama kesulitan itu ada kemudahannya,
Sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan itu ada kemudahannya...

I love these verses of Quran..from surah Inshirah (even planned to use this as my daughter's (future) name).

And today, after finally...finally..though not that finally yet since i haven't finish the electronic part with the cd n video and... but alhamdulillah..the biggest part of all -settled.

"with every difficulties, there's relief. verily, with every difficulties, there's relief."
duhh... i almost forgot the next verses..and has started to plan a yebedabedoo day in my mind...

"Maka setelah selesai urusan yang memberatkanmu itu, tetaplah berusaha keras untuk urusan yang lain. Dan hanya pada Tuhanmu kamu berharap."

usaha usaha usaha...

Sunday, March 4

sorry was hit by a lorry

*eh eh teringat video dulu2 sorry2 kat tengah snow*

Pada suatu hari, sesuatu terjadi...maka sorry pun telah keluar mencuba nasib, kot-kot ada yang sudi menerimanya...namun, apabila sorry mula memperkenalkan dirinya;

 "Aku sorry wep, aku betol-betol tak sengaja"..
ramai yang balas: "sorry sorry naik lori lah!!"
ada ramai yang nasihat: "alah...maafkan jelah dier..even Nabi pun ampunkan umat"
malangnya ramai jugak yang jawab: "tapi aku bukan Nabi"

maka sorry yang terkesima, terdiam di lebuhraya dan akhirnya benar-benar dilanggar oleh lori..
lalu remuklah jantung hati paru-paru dan macam-macam lagi.even biskut M&S yang sedap giler yang masih didalam packaging merahnya turut remuk sama..ruginyer...

tapi tak serugi kata-kata yang membunuh sorry..sebab,
Ya memang betul kite bukan nabi.
Tapi kalau apa yang Nabi buat kita taknak ikut, nak ikut sapa lagi?