...and the foot steps that I leave behind

Monday, January 3

hari minggu yang bosan.yang amat.

I wrote the title 10 seconds before I realised that today is not a hari minggu. Its Monday.
Ohhh..Never knew that Monday can be this boring. Its too boring that even sleeping wouldn't be of any help at all. Haa..talking about sleeping, I probably slept too much yesterday that I dreamt all the stupid stuff, with weird characters in it. Very very weird that i can't remember anything.
Tulah..nak tido ada petuanya...bak kata Mat Calleh Selup bears kan?

>>nak tidur basuh kaki dulu!!

 Classes shall begin next week. 
End of this long holiday. 
And I don't know whether I want to sigh or smile or what now. 


  1. every day of my life is booooring. cuti sampai 4 bulan huhuhuuh

  2. @ AJ2R (pjg mek oiii name anggg): sgt terrible kan? i think my otak can't figure out my name anymore..too blank!! terase mkin bodoh je sejak cuti ni..haddoiiyyaaa

  3. @ARC: hahaha..lau borring pi nikah.
    xde2 gurau je...cuti gak kan now? cari kejalah..sure x bosan...
    *pandai nasehat org!

  4. seronok ke stat kuliah??

    i miss my holiday.. sigh~

  5. haaa..xde feeling...
    lame sgt cuti smpai dah xkenal hari..
    kelas bermule dgn waktu mghantar assignment.
    how cool!
    maybe sbb winter..so cuti panjang rase mcm berpanjangan..(hinggalah assignment dtg!)
