...and the foot steps that I leave behind

Friday, November 18

TOP LIAR DETECTORS!! -of mrs.tech n co.

1. Entry ini tiada niat untuk memberi promosi percuma kepada mana-mana pihak secara berbayar mahupun percuma.
2. Entry ini juga ditulis berdasarkan apa yang penulisnya tahu sahaja.
3. Entry ini TIADA niat untuk merosakan plan-plan penipuan sesiapa, atau membantu anda mengupgrade skill menipu. sekian.

When Mrs Technology and Co. memberitahu sesuatu, beri perhatian.

1. BBM: when chatting with someone or message someone to tell something, important or not, and there's no reply for that. take note on the letters and mark at the chats line.
Single tick, well the message is on its way. so, sabar, its ur gadgets fault.
The letter D, it has been delivered to that person. but, sabarlah, dier belom membacanya lagi. mungkin ke tandas kot??
The letter R, ok. the message has ben read. why no respond? ask that personlah....

2. Whatsapp.
Single tick (again) also means it is on its way to the other pihak.
Double ticks, it has safely arrived. But, it doesn't mean its been read yet or not. so,
Check up there, besides the name of the message receiver, if its stated 'online' (italic) errm.. that person is busy chatting wif someone else? kotttt... if not, it will show a longer line like ' last seen yesterday at 00:15' (italic).so, if your message was sent much much  earlier than 00:15 yesterday, the message receiver actually dah nampak dah mesej tu.. Ask that personlah nape tak reply. Try call, whatsapp dier rosak kot.

3. Skype
There's one bulat thing that goes pusing-pusing at the right side of your message, and it will continue rollercostering until the person is online and read it. But, if there's other person turn on this person's laptop, and the laptop is set to automatically onlined-the skype; maybe it wasn't the right person who read it. So, don't go crazy just yet. Communicate with the person first, that's was what communication means.

And there's fb chat,ym,googletalk,msn, n many more that isn't as terer as the above or that I am not so terer to explore.

P/s: if it is done purposely, (mengelak from answering you) well, why don't you read back your question/sentence. Then maybe you'll know why yourself. And I did this too, and I really hope that person will get my message then, that I actually have nothing more to say, thus the silence. Sebab, memang takde benda nak cakap pun. Siyesly..

                                                                         the frustrated lemonade.