...and the foot steps that I leave behind

Thursday, November 10

little little things

you know how little little things could change and do something beyond ordinary expectation?

Little small typo mistake like the letter m and n,
Little smiley at the end of a short chat message
Little small bowl of soup and bits of fruit
Little ping and buzz and toin and etc
Little stripes of coolfevers and pills
Little question mark after the letter O and K
Little simple hand and eyes signals

And just a little prayer that was sent from afar.

It could change 39 to become 37.

Just little examples..yet so many more that could show  how small little things that was made with great effort and love, small things that came along with huge value and tiny little mistake that was simply overlook could give tremendous effect to someone's life. Therefore, learn to see and appreciate these little little things, because at the end every big stuff  begins from a small dot. Every big mistake also starts with a little error.

Like every long blogpost starts with letter ABC,      -ok fine micheal, its literacy! *********