...and the foot steps that I leave behind

Sunday, February 27

those old days; crazy little things called...

Monday, I'm waiting,
Tuesday. I'm still waiting,
to see, see..if you're fine.
Wednesday you're still not here,
neither in the morning, nor later,
Thursday is also empty,
Friday, Saturday or Sunday
None of the day that I don't miss you,
None of the day that you'll come back,
to be in our old days..
How long will it be like this?
-I dont know.
How many months or year,
How many billions memory of our past
I never 'dont miss you'

i know my eyes swollen a bit when she sang this with her friends..

somehow this movie brought me away, travelled to a place that was very familiar to me.
High school time should be among the moment that i knew i wont be able to forget..
Watching this movie, one by one, the scenes actually reminded me of myself during my school years, with my friends back then..
those fool and very very immatured things we did..
yeah, the scene when Nam passed that class just to see her inspiration, haa..who never did that?
Everyone must have their own little cute secret like that..
And its something so beautiful to remember and smiled at as years passed..
those dorky looks, stumbles here and there.. hit with a very very hard ball or racket or baton, or whatever that can hit you.. and of course with amazingly supportive and cute friends..
even though not as heart moving as 'keracunan kuku' in Laskar Pelangi but..yeah.. it does somehow bloom those memories.. real memories..
quoted from the trailer; 89% will have this experience, hurm even if its not exactly the same one, but..
 hands-up, i am one of the 89%.

Eh, Citer ini sangat super duper cute!
Ek ellehhh..tak yah ar tipu....sape tak pernah alami ini?


can't help falling for the cute button,
 esp. when I know whose the owner, for real.. ^_^


  1. it is damn real..i experienced the same things although it not happened at my school compound..of course..girl school rite..but it did happened during tuision classes..haha

  2. shhhhh...
    keeping our little cute secret eyh?


    seeing myself overexcited watching movies revolve around students, school,
    huh, i'v started imagine myself in few years time;
    senyum sampai ke telinga ornag sebelah..for a drama or movie pasal cek-gu.ru

