...and the foot steps that I leave behind

Tuesday, February 8

Winner of the best trophy.

'He wants the trophy. But he can't handle the attention that the trophy got'

I think, this is a phrase that was nicely said to summarise such situation. Situation like, a husband got super duper jealous over the attention his wife received. (To be exact; his heart heartbreakingly beautiful and mesmerizing wife). I heard this quote from Mrs Caroline, a comment made upon a poem entitled 'The Last Duchess' by Robert Browning.

This is a something that we could relate to the real life. Not just a phrase for a poem.
Of course, I think possibly every one would wish to have a beautiful wife and handsome husband. I mean, sape tak nak Lisa Surihani and Robbert Pattinson kan? *contoh je. But the thing is, it really doesn't really matter if you win her/his heart. The most important thing is to make sure you are fully capable to control and conquer your own heart.

Back to the poem. In this poem, jealousy won. The Duke killed his Duchess because somehow, well to cut it short, he let his jealousy conquered his heart. He still admire her beauty and remember every single details about her physical attraction till the end but what is beauty if you could only preserve it in a portrait and not in real life?

But yeah, if you really want someone merely because of the beauty he/she got then you better buy his/ her portrait. Its forever yours and thousand times easier to take care of. No doubt.

My ustazah masa form 5 dulu pesan, "nak cari laki/bini, cari yang kurang rupa paras dari kamu. Yang tak hensem or tak lawa sangat. Senang nak jage dier, dan lagi senang nak jaga hati sendiri."


Its been a wonderful Tuesday. Finally. Its been a while since I could say such thing. Not on Tuesday. Not, particularly on Tuesday.
I was in a good mood, and I think, everybody else around me too, in a very good mood.
I learnt great stuff today, and had a great pleasant journey.
The cab was 7 minutes early, and I didn't missed any buses too.
What a day.
Thanks Ma and Sis, I received the gift and was wearing it today. It is such a good day, because I keep on smiling to see what I was wearing. And of course, I actually did that for the whole day. :)
Everything was fine. And hopefully it remains so as its going to be a busy weekend this time!


  1. kenapa akoo juga masih ingat ayat ini??

    "nak cari laki/bini, cari yang kurang rupa paras dari kamu. Yang tak hensem or tak lawa sangat. Senang nak jage dier, dan lagi senang nak jaga hati sendiri."

    haha.. ayt nie boleh pakai x?? ngeh3 ^__^

  2. mestilah igt..hukumnyer wajib tu. byk kali kot dier ckp lam kelas. **see, nmpak sgt kite antare stdnt2 yg baik kan?pay FULL attention gitu..waahahahaha.. :D
    but psal pakai x tuh,entahlah..pemilik sebenar ayat tersebut ialah seorang wanita yang telah bergelar isteri berdekad-dekad. so... hurm...tepuk dahi,fikir-fikirkan.
