...and the foot steps that I leave behind

Sunday, January 22

the pregnant schedule

My schedule for the past few days, was insanely sarat to the extent that it could compete with a lady who is pregnant for 8 months and a half. Giler exaggerate... ^^,

for the First one,
redha dan tawakkal.
Tiada musibah yang berlaku ke atas hambaNya melainkan dengan izinNya.
Rasulullah saw diriwayatkan bersabda,

Seorang muslim itu tidak ditimpa sesesuatu dari keletihan, penyakit, masalah (kebingungan), kesedihan (kerana kehilangan sesuatu), kesengsaraan dan duka cita sehinggakan (kepada) duri yang menusuknya (menyakitinya), kecuali Allah menghapuskan (mengampunkan) dengan sebabnya sebahagian daripada dosa-dosanya 
(Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)

Mana-mana Muslim yang sakit atau terkena sesuatu musibah digugurkan dosa seperti pokok kayu gugur daunnya di musim luruh. 
(Riwayat Bukhari Muslim dari Ibnu Mas’ud)

Musim luruh pasti akan berakhir...bi iznillah.... :) 

yang keDua,
tak tahulah macam mana nak karang kat my tutor... shall i just give her my poem separa tak jadi?
chapter 3 remains mystery, 
chapter 3 is such a misery,
 coz u know my chapter 3; 
i'm lacking battery,
got no more energy,
my schedule isn't that free,
thinking of you seems too scary,
thus i fall asleep and let it be,
i promise to you oh my honey bee,
soon i'll be back to my lappy,
and begin typing wholeheartedly,
the one entitled Chapter 3.

number Three;

Last, but not the very least;
another three thousand words to go for Shakepeare's assignment. that's it. let stop and not making it five, five shall come in the next entry, insyaallah. 


  1. eh? kursus kahwin? eeehhh??? hehe

    good luck adah! sama2 doakan keberkatan daripadaNYA.. amiin...

  2. eh?? a ah..eh ehh lah... :P
    hehe..ni nk kene completekan resolusi tahun baru.
    thank you for wishing me,
    tulah, sam2 doa, same2 kite aminkan...
    moga bertambah2 keberkatan dlm idop :)
