...and the foot steps that I leave behind

Tuesday, April 5

Absolute Satisfactory

"absolute satisfactory" is like, a factory which is absolutely full of satisfaction of being satisfied and do satisfy!

So I did enter that 'factory' last week, while performing one of my most unforgettable dikir barat ever (not that I've have done so many, teeheee )
Anyway, the satisfactory didn't come from the make up (coz i'm not wearing any, that day)
not from the tshirt I was wearing (ngee) and not even from the marvelously sunny day (yeah, it rained, as predicted by every forecast websites)...
Its from...those clapping hands and also those students whose suddenly standing in front of us (and blocking us from audience's views for few seconds before they sits like us) , clapping together and try to follow every steps we made. Wohaaa... thank you so much..
Thats was the real satisfactory..
Its like when you are telling a tragic story and others suddenly scream out loud because their eyes dried out and turned to be a freaking hot dessert or like when you make a joke and the person who hear it exploded his stomach and died laughing. 
 perhaps its like the antivirus creator smiling to see how relieved their customers are when more and more laptops healed from the mysterious viruses that nobody on earth ever knows whose the creators are.
actually... its more like..like,
I think it must be like how the teachers feel when their students understand what's written both in their textbook, and on the black board and most importantly, in their exam papers.
It is .... like that. ^_^
Like how those who do things whole heartedly, sincerely and honestly for the benefits of all.
Like you starts smiling and you dont know if you ever in your entire life know to how to not smiling.

It is far more happier and satisfierst when you make others happy, aite?
It is.
So dear internet connection, listen deadly careful to this message. Behave, make other's happy using you. You'll be a totally freaking extra whole lot happpi~~~~~~~~~-yerrr. and Stop making me waiting for an extra 4 minutes just to make sure a short two minutes video 'finished loading'.