...and the foot steps that I leave behind

Sunday, October 17

memory eraser

There are things that i want to erase.. until not even a tiny dot left.

At the end, after i did it,

nothing changes.

Erased, yes.

But as i glance to my eraser, there's a mark there. Used.

Reminds me, and i was then well reminded.

Forced to remember things that I have never forgotten.

At the end, I surrendered.

No use to delete it all. It was there before, fact.

No one changes the past, because no one could.

Let it be. If it's too ugly, make it a beauty. If it's too bad, turn it right. If it's a pain, heal it. If it's broken, fix it. If it's a mistake, learn from it. If it's gone, never let it died away.

What ever it is, thank it.

Our past shaped us at present, and leads us to future.

Past passed, but have we passed?

If we failed to learn anything from it, we didn't even score one!

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