life, is a story.
a continuously written story,
it is a story about you,
there may be sometimes, appearance by others,
extra actresses, extra actors.
some of them might be very meaningful to you.
some might even become very influential as well
but never, let others become the authors of your life.
cause you would never realized how fragile your life is,
until one day,
when a decision was made, and you suddenly come to regret.

write and continue your story,
its up to you,
what genre would it be,
its up to you,
whether its a fairy tale, beautiful story or a messy plot
write it thoughtfully, wisely
because we never know,
when is the due date,
the time where we will be called,
to submit our story to Him.
Al-Imran 185: 'Every soul shall have a taste of death'