I might not be a really patriotic person, but anything to do with my country has always caught my attention in a split second. During the world cup weeks, someone posted on Facebook about how lousy Malaysia player played football. Its frustrating and very upsetting for me to see a Malaysian, pure Malaysian criticizing his own country in public. Its true, I know it would be a far way for our team to be qualified and listed in World Cup, but you really dont have to post a shout out and laughing out your own country like that. 

It might seem pathetic for you to hear that i still praise our team for their effort, but it is even worst than pathetic to see a such ungrateful student to mock and put such remarks to his own country. What more if your are a teacher to be. Can't really imagine you teaching your students, filling up their motivation and the patriotism value when you yourself don't have respect for you own country.
Malaysia Boleh and Malaysia always Boleh, but the path would be a lot harder with such pesimistic and ungrateful people like you. Sorry for being harsh. I thought of meeting you and sing Negaraku and Malaysia Oh Tanah Airku. In case you have forgotten. But never mind, glad that somebody else did. :) double thumbs up for the other Mr. Cikgu to be.

I guess the phrase "di mana bumi di pijak, di situ langit dijunjung" wont particularly fit the situation, but indeed, anywhere you go,
never forget the sky from which you felt the first cold rain drop and the land that let you put your feet on, when you first learnt how to walk.