'Curiosity killed the cat'
its stated there; cat. only cat!
Which is why, people dont learn anything from this proverb. Because, well...
"HELLO, it wont killed human, it only killed the CAT!"
Sorry. I am not a cat hater, though i don't particularly love it. I just write this out of my concern to how dangerous it could be to us even if we do not have 4 legs and a tail. There are people who are hurm.., I should say "super-curious homo-sapiens" among us. That is a fact.
I dont mind if it is for a good purpose.
With the career path i chose, i will be needing this element too.

It's just that, be more careful with your curiosity. It might not kill you literally, nor blood shed or misplace bone and missing organ,but
consider how it might somehow kill your friendship for instance.
so, why not keep it locked behind sometime?