what an early morning to start writing my blog entry again..entry? yes..MSN blog-space influence.
its another beautiful morning, so quite, and of course raining; as stated in the weather forecast, just like yesterday. Edward Cullen and his clan would be more than happy if they could spend their 'eternity' here, a place where rain is a must while sunny days are highly rare cases here, even in summer! But I guess thats how this place took place in my heart, by being, almost, just almost close to what i call my sweetest home land. Its raining a lot back in Terengganu too. Especially my home..my castle.
"an Englishman's home is his castle"

...so what would you say about a Malay girl's castle?
just the same, mine doesn't involve any prince charming with white horses either, not of course any bad witches as well..
Enough with a loving family that shall always keep my heart pumping warmly..even if it's the coldest day of all..
baiti jannati (my home, my heaven)