not the date, but the day.
29 days before i'm going back to Malaysia, leaving the United Kingdom, after completing my three years of study here, ( gilerr 3 tahun.. :P)
so for today, and tomorrow and insyaAllah the following days until we leave this uni. i will be writing down my days here, my, hari-hari terakhir di marjon, (not really planning or have the intention to plan of another visit/returning to this uni) if you like. personalising my blog..which is personal anyway..hehe. so dear blog, be prepared to be my second diary. :)
so hari ini, apa jadi yer?
hurm..pagi tadi..bangun lambat. huarghh.. so sleepy.To fix the situation, i....hurmm.. so, my eyes kinda "POP OUT" (Farah A. Ahmad, 2012). hambek..siap quote lagi..
10.45. perut manusia yang kelaparan telah meng'hungga' ke dapur dan memasak maggi-sejenis makanan yang diimport dari luar negara. sangat berkhasiat dan baik untuk tumbesaran bayi. jangan main-main maggi i import dar Malaysia okeh!! :)
11 ++ am with the news from fadz and farah, confirming that our internet telah pulang, i rushed to online- to call my love in Malaysia. Maa and Abah just get back from the hospital. Alang's in. Anak sulung...memang banyak cabarannya kan?. so she had to stay at the hospital, until the "Pop out" day. hehe.. best lak guna words tuh. sementara belum jadi teacher for real, i want to use the pelik-pelik language at most boleh? sad news from maa is, the letter i sent.. perhaps it would never arrived. sedih oooo.. Maa was like "tapi takde ape pun kan dalam tu? just surat kan? " Memanglah just surat tapi..sedih oooo.. penat tau, i karang sampai 4 pages (both side lagi).. ingat senang ke? it was the letter that sent to her, a month ago while i'm at makkah. now, u see how worth to me? sentimental value, that are not going to be replaced that easily. bila lagi i nak tulis surat to my mom. and from mekah kan? hurm.... sedih... tapi takpelah.. maybe its better to say F2F what i want to say (wrote in the letter). tapi maluuu... eih, what did i write in it ekh?
ekh sat..nak iklan maggi yang sedap tu sekali;
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srrrrpppppp... |
oh ye, and today..after a month off; we had our first sisters gathering at house 21. best. Alhamdulillah..i likeee!!! Ramai gilak orang yang datang. Exaggerate habis my sabahan-tipu-tipuan dialect. but really...i guess we are missing each other as much. Sharing for today? huhu.."love" Fadz, Atikah, Aisyah and many others point out great reminder about love and the one that i like most is the last one; as Farah points out, "sebelum mencari orang lain carilah diri kita sendiri dahulu" (Farah A. Ahmad :2012).Hurm..i just found myself recently..and still digging through..if you know what i mean so..for the second mission, lets give it a kitkat first.
Oh and tadaaaa..look, what i received today too;