nahh..and today,
just like any other normal days of my life, (except that I woke up at 6 am today, not on-the-way to my bed like the previous days) my housemate tuned her volume up to 100% and screamed,
"KAMI DATANG!!!!" three angelic voices replied and in split seconds, three roaring stomaches arrived at our communal room and ready to start filling itself,
"JANGAANN!!!" another loud voice. Huh? What 'jangan'?
"Ok, here's the story...blueblablueblawhitebluorangeyellogreennblablaredblablaredblack"
And the four of us continued with our lunch. Once a while, the topic of the day; the spicy terung sambal came up again and again. "Which konti mak cik we bought this from?" "Which spoon did you use?" " must be a product of India, their chilies are the hottesstttt" "Kasihan terung...sayangggg" "Aku suka tau terung ni..sib baik ada sebelah lagi" and the topic didn't end even after the last rice on the plate also landed in my stomach. Weird enough, with almost-flooded-eyes, red noses and ears, and sometimes, the 'ssssss' sounds keep on coming from every one of us, we still, rancakly eating and stuffing and eating and stuffing and eating the terung and its sambal.
"Haa..tulah takut jugak, nanti tercirit beramai-ramai sebab terung punya sambal"
Takut, but still want more and more.
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Spicy aubergine, auuuuuww yummy!! |
Oh, after I had my lunch and a quick visit to see the culprit of the day, 'super hot chili powder' at the kitchen, I quickly grabbed a treatment for this 'sssss' feeling.
Kit-kat chocolate!!! *have a break*
1 pound;9 bars at Poundland. Murah murah,mari beli!!!
haisyyy..there's one problem whenever i want to eat this. I dont know whether this is just an example of a failed marketing manager promotion or a sign of health and food department's success.
would you think twice before eating this or it just makes you want to have more?
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kalau boleh nak guna font Verdana 170 tu!! |
ehurm..5 minit kemudian, pembalut yang bertulis nombor 107 itu ghaib dari pandangan (dan juga isinya)
Thinking of how long I took, (5 minutes, lama kotttt) to end up eating the chocolate bars, I can't stop myself from thinking of them. Them, yang sungguh berani. How ekh? They could ignore it and just continue?
I'll be like...urrrrrggggg...if I were them. Oh, sungguh tabik spring double tilam Vono pada mereka-mereka ini. Berani wal kuat semangat sungguh mereka.
I envy you laaaa!!!
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seriously, you are not disturbed at all by that picture? -gambar ehsan google. |
*gambar versi Siam lah plak..sorry silap grabbed. yang penting mesej tu jer..