...and the foot steps that I leave behind

Sunday, November 21

b- word.

i hate it when i feel bengang...coz it will turn me to a very banggang version of human being.
it has all the baddd badd bad thingsss all in one whole package..

1. Bengang can make u stupid: u sleep the whole day becoz u r too bengang to do other things...u can't even think 1+1-3= to what and you can't even spell your name right, cant access ur own laptop becoz u r too bengang to rmber ur password.

2. Bengang makes u hodoh! :u will feel terribly hungry, hunger, hungary! all the time just want to munch somethingssssss or lotsa sleeps that u end up feeling more and more hungry when u wake up...and also extremely lazy to do other stuff including mandi, shampooing and combing your hair, yeah, turning yourself to a complete miserable looking person.

3. Bengang also means go muflis!: don't open ebay or amazon or any other online shopping webs or anything buy-able, book-able, subscribe-able when u are bengang...it takes you 30 seconds to buy three things that will lead to buying another 3, and to another 2 and later another 4, and then, you stopped coz ebay said that paypal said your lloyd said you have gone 'too far' beyond your limit. 

4. Bengang turns you to a murderer!: yeah the tendency to kill innocent fragile little things like mugs, pens, key-chains, electric stuff like your lamp or your heather or your iron or your dress or you toothbrush and many many things is to high to conquer. 

5. Bengang can cause hazardous to your health: eating mixture of wrong foods and drinks, sleep-wake-sleep-wrong-time, 24 hours eyes on laptop screen and lotsaaa other things.., it is more than lucky to just have diarrhea and headache..and migrain, and backpain and... (and lung cancer, mouth cancer, trachea cancer, cancer-cancer if you choose 'smoooky type of solution')

6. Bengang brings 'ohh!!!hurm...' : there were several videos i watched on youtube and fb, probably done out of bengang feelings, but whoever made it wont have easy  and peaceful day when shopping at malls or queuing to buy tickets at cinema, or eat at any random food-court.. without un-paid paparazzi watching.

Don't be, unless you are ready  to look ridiculously/be a stupid, ugly, broke, mad, sick and unhealthy person.