couldn't help myself to not thinking about this..;
why would the question never change,
when actually most of the time, its the other way around.
"Jangan Takut Untuk Kawin Awal"

honestly, i've heard thousand of millions times people complaining, worrying, if they will end up get married very very late, and hold the titles like andartu and so on..
i've heard that, since i was..err....what, standard five? or was it three?
but not even once, i heard someone said,
"takutlah..macam mane kalau aku kahwin awal? aku takut aku kawin awal la.."
this situation might apply to some people, who i haven't met yet, perhaps..
But the other one,...
i'm not good at making notes, consoling others..
so, anyone, interested to make such note?
Coz actually to me, that was the biggest fear among teenagers or to be 'us'
'Semua orang takut kawin lambat'. That should be a sweeping statement, but painfully its kinda true.. for most people, esp gurls. Its a culture thing. A taboo. Weighing more and more as year passed...
The first note mentioned above is a very good one too but its supposedly meant to be for the parents more, not the couples..not the youngsters..
Well, that was my opinion..just an opinion could be wrong..
but that's how i see it..
from these yearsss....
So, could someone at least say things like;
Lambat atau cepat, itu kan dalam tangan Dia.. siapa tahu?
Instead of asking about people's ages, and telling them they are way too old to remain single?
apapun, lepas soalan awal dan lewat terjawab, soalan lain akan datang,
lama ke sekejap?
setuju! ramai yg jd takut bila kawen lmbt sbb masyarakat yg duk kecoh entah pape..
ReplyDeletekalaulah semua orang pegang pada ayat Lambat atau cepat semuanya Urusan yang Maha Esa.. mesti takda yg risau bab kawen.. hehe
what about u? mau kawen awl or lmbt? haha.. =P
tulah pasal..
n guru BI yg plg teruk org dok kecoh2 ckp tu..haiyyyy....
me? hehe..lau ikot mahu, mahu yg first tulah..tapi..yg plg saya mahu yg dah ditetapkan utk saye, sebaik-baiknya..who knows when..