Example of Conflict
THE SAYING: Dont judge a book by its cover.
..and the responses;
Positiver: Sometimes, we need to see beyond that. A cover is just a kind of erm...'appearance' to cover what's within it.
Negativer: No..I would say no.. If its bad at one point, it means, it is... bad. Seriously, with that look on the cover, you are still interested?
Budgeter: What's up with the cover anyway. The book will be much much expensive and yeah, we need a larger shelf because of it. Hardcover? I want to read, not making a belacan or win who-kill-mosquitoes-the-most competition.
Excuser: Then how do we know if we read the right one? I mean...errrr..the title?
Defender: Judging itself is an act of cruelty. Why do we have to act as a judge? We are not in the court anyway...
Others: I judge the way I want to. After all, its my eyes.
That's conflict. If only it is eatable, it sure is yummy...considering how many flavours we would have in it. Honey nuts cornflake is extremely delicious already, having few more perisa should be good.
The point of merapuing again here, is to express my stress for having a..err 'internal conflict'.. Conflict with anyone but ourselves.
My conflict with my myself begins more than 2 decades ago.
I said to myself everyday, do your work today, don't procrastinate. But I ended up doing it at the very last minute, and sometimes last seconds...that all the works weighed double on my shoulder until Head&Shoulder wouldn't do any good either.
I reminded myself to wake up early tomorrow, need to prepare for etc etc.. But I always press 'snooze' , and sometimes I didn't even turn the alarm on.
I promised to myself that I will stop shopping weird (unnecessary) stuff, and to start budgettng for my own future-sake. But I still scrolling down for new arrival products, buying things that are not even in my weekly or monthly or even yearly list. Carrying shopping bags with, weird choices in it.
I told myself to stop stay up late at night watching Korean drama series. But I never stopped doing it, and burnt my bedtime in front of my laptop, too. Nasib baik laptop ngan tuanyer tak terbakar sekali.

I repeated over and over again to myself, think of your action over and over again. Dont treat important thing as a simple thing. Choosing what module to learn is damn very important. And there's a big different between the word 'interest' and 'ability'. But, of course, I randomly picked my subject, and wonder about it after two weeks the lesson starts or sometimes on the day I received the assignment. Huh.
As what I can still remember, hurm...communication works best as a conflict solution. But talking to the stubborn me is such a useless attempt. Hence, let time heals it all....while the effort continues..
A drama without a conflict would not be a hit or in the hottest-drama list. (Like how Joo Won switched body with his lover to be and making things miserable and later his mom wont say yes to them, these conflicts work really well!)
But a life with too many conflicts will be like living in a bowl of hot Asam Laksa maggi.
Sedapnyer...would be nice to have it now.
I mean the maggi, not that 'conflicted-life'..
**Don't let your world diselubungi conflicts....