Hurm, unlike KT, KB has tremendously changed! The road (semua sehala menyampah aku!), buildings (lots of newwww one), bus station (dusyhhh!!!) and many more, the weather, food and people, however, didn't show any sign of changes..+ & -.
seeing this, i feel like it's been more than a year..anyway as always and always, its great to meet them, mrs wonder woman: Madam Nori and mr.superb Daddy: Mr Zul (yang baru jer dpt baby boy baru..:) ) and of course other wonderful lecturers and friends, thanks for letting us stayed with you guys these few days..:)
I'm glad to be there...i love you alllllll... :*

This picture was taken from our seat in the bus, not that clear due to the dusty window (ehem3..). We were, attracted by the plat number : "PURBA 1938". cantek kan?
-pic anem nyer phone..:)
Even though it is old, and i'm not sure of its condition, but somehow things are sometimes a lot more valuable when it gets older.
Macam kenangan, lagi lama kenangan itu tinggalkan kita, lagi berhargalah ia.
Macam jugak orang....
There is a place, which i swear i hate the most the first day i was there, three years ago, I won't say that i have completely changed my mind today, but hate is just not the word anymore.
Things change, people change, but memory wont. It remains.