Waiting, waited, await..
I have been waiting and doing all sorts of things..while counting, plus 7..plus 7..plus 7...
waiting for the correct time.
Blamed myself. Too addicted with that movie that i missed my skype time this afternoon.
Skype is one of the best features in this laptop that i keep on falling in love with!
it's just the GMT thing...really disturbing...
and also when Mozilla and Chrome took the wrong lane, perhaps for taking 'lesen terbang' or not even passed the driving part...it keeps on crashing...
hate it when that box pops up "Ops. Your Mozilla has crashed!" or "Google Chrome has crashed and all your data are not secured"...Its tiring and frustrating..and keep on entering the username, password, and wait for another 45 seconds..
that's the lousy part..
the best part still..
thanks to the internet..to the network..though it keeps on expressing hatred towards me and my laptop..

to finally hear that velvet voice..
doesn't matter what topics came out,
don't even count how many minutes or hours passed..
it would never be enough.
i am so happy to hear it.
happy to the extend that people often said..
something like "if heart had a face, it will definitely smile too"
iya...kalau hati ini ada mulut, bibirnya pasti akan ikut senyum....
love you mom.
love you too dad.
love you all.